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Does a Ceramic Coating Really Work

How Long Ceramic Coating Lasts and Tips for Extending the Life of Yours

The lifespan of a ceramic coating hinges on numerous factors, such as what kind you get and how well it is maintained. In this blog post, brought to you by CLEAN XTREME MOBILE DETAIL SERVICE, we will talk about everything you need to know.

The Typical Lifespan of Ceramic Car Coating

For the most part, ceramic coatings last from two to five years. And in some cases, they can last up to a decade; however, this is rare.

What Makes Ceramic Car Coating Wear Out Fast

Ceramic coating is an investment, which means you want it to last as long as possible. So avoid anything that will wear it down too fast, such as:

  • Driving in extreme weather. If you are somewhere that is either extremely hot or cold, the material of your car expands and contracts more often. This creates tiny cracks on the surface of the ceramic, which will allow water to seep through, which in turn causes rust.
  • Using harsh chemicals. When you use soap, wax, or any other products that are too harsh, they can act like sandpaper and will scuff the surface of the coating. This damages the ability of the coating to protect against water penetration, so be careful with what you are using!
  • Using the wrong washing method. With ceramic coatings, you must use the two-bucket method when it comes to washing. This reduces the chance of scratches. Also, never wash your car in direct sunlight.
  • Polishing the exterior. This is a frequent mistake that many people make when caring for their coating. NEVER polish ceramic coatings, as this will reduce their effectiveness at repelling water, which in turn results in rust setting in.

If you would like to make an appointment with a professional ceramic coating specialist, please contact us today at (843) 224-1438 if you live in or around the Goose Creek, SC region.