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Effective Alternatives for Headlight Restoration

Effective Alternatives to Restore Cloudy Headlights

Have you ever had cloudy headlights? If so, you know how frustrating it can be. It’s like your car has been left out in the sun too long or something. The result is a dull, cloudy appearance that doesn’t look very good on your car at all! Luckily there are several ways to restore your lights and make them look brand new again! Here are some effective alternatives for cloudy headlight restoration:

Spray or Dip

The most effective way to restore cloudy headlights is to spray them with a mixture of vinegar and water. This mixture can be applied by hand, or you can use a spray bottle to apply it more quickly and efficiently. The dip should be applied in stages, allowing plenty of time for any air bubbles that form during the process to rise up through the solution before they reach your lights.

Try Using a Brush and Toothpaste

If you don’t have a toothbrush, you can use your finger to apply the paste. If that doesn’t work and it looks like there are no cracks in the glass, then try using a cloth instead of a toothpaste-based solution. Once you have applied some toothpaste onto the lens of your headlights, leave it for about 5 minutes before rinsing off with water and checking if they are clearer than before.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a great way to restore cloudy headlights. It’s an abrasive and can be used to clean your headlights, windows, and windshields. Baking Soda works by removing oxidation from metals like aluminum that cause the haze in your headlights. The baking soda will also help remove any mold or mildew buildup on the glass surface of your headlights

If you need someone who can restore your cloudy headlights here in Goose Creek, SC, you may contact CLEAN XTREME MOBILE DETAIL SERVICE for headlight restoration services. Call us at (843) 224-1438 today!