The Coating Option That Will Make Your Car Stand Out!
Ceramic coatings are made of ceramic. This means they’re not a paint or a coating, but rather a mixture of ceramic and polymers. Ceramic coats are a relatively new addition to the body shop industry, but they’re quickly becoming one of the most popular options for protecting your car’s paint job. Here’s why you should consider a professional-grade ceramic coating for your car:
Provides Better UV Ray Protection
The sun’s damaging rays can cause paint to fade, crack and peel. Professional-grade ceramic coats provide better protection from the sun’s damaging rays. These coatings are also great at protecting your car from salt and dirt. Salt corrodes metal by eating away at it over time, which can lead to rusting of your vehicle’s frame or body panels. When you have a professional-grade ceramic coat applied, this will help protect against salt corrosion as well as other abrasives.
Gives a Better High Gloss Finish
It’s important to note that ceramic coatingss aren’t actually paint. It’s not meant for painting but instead works as a protective coating over existing paint jobs. It also doesn’t work like waxes or polishes because those have different purposes. It’s a type of sealant that gives your vehicle a high gloss finish!
Lasts Longer Than Other Types of Coatings
Professional-grade ceramic coatings last longer than most other coatings by protecting your vehicle from salt, dirt, and abrasives that can eat away at a traditional painted finish over time. Ceramic coatings also provide added protection against scratches. Ceramic coatings are an excellent option for those who want to protect their vehicles and keep them looking great for years to come.
If you’re in need of a quality coating option for your car here in Goose Creek, SC, you may contact CLEAN XTREME MOBILE DETAIL SERVICE for professional ceramic coating services. Call us at (843) 224-1438 today!