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All About Headlight Restoration

Don’t Get Caught in the Dark: 4 Reasons Your Car Headlights Get Damaged

Headlights are an essential part of any car. This provides visibility and safety on the road. However, they can also be easily damaged. This can leave you in the dark. In this post from your headlight restoration contractor, you’d know why damage easily occurs.

Road Debris

One of the most common causes of headlight damage is road debris. Rocks, gravel, and other debris can be kicked up by other vehicles and hit your headlights, causing cracks or chips. To prevent this type of damage, try to avoid driving behind large trucks or buses that may kick up debris. You can also install protective covers over your headlights to shield them from impact.

Weather Conditions

Extreme weather conditions can also take a toll on your headlights. Exposure to intense sunlight can cause the plastic lens to yellow and become cloudy, reducing visibility. Cold temperatures can cause the lens to contract and crack. To protect your headlights from weather-related damage, park your car in a garage or covered area whenever possible. You can also apply a UV-resistant coating to the lens to prevent yellowing.

Poor Installation

If your headlights were not installed correctly, they may be more prone to damage. Poor installation can cause the headlights to vibrate or become loose, leading to cracks or other damage. To prevent this type of damage, your headlights must be installed by a professional mechanic. They know how to properly secure them.


Accidents are another common cause of headlight damage. Even minor fender benders can cause cracks or breaks in the headlight lens. To prevent accidents from damaging your headlights, always drive defensively and follow traffic rules. If you do get into an accident, have your headlights inspected by a professional mechanic? This is to ensure they are still functioning properly.

Don’t let damaged headlights put you in danger on the road. Take steps to protect your headlights from road debris, weather conditions, accidents, and poor installation. And if you do experience headlight damage, CLEAN XTREME MOBILE DETAIL SERVICE is here to help with all your headlight repair needs. We’re offering a quality headlight restoration service in Goose Creek, SC. For inquiries, call (843) 224-1438.